Monday, May 22, 2006

Drudge's Dean tale retracted, what will Rush do?

Well, after threatening legal action, Dean's people got Matt "64 percent accurate" Drudge to take down his claim that the DNC head had intervened in the New Orleans mayor's race against C. Ray Nagin. Of course, that didn't stop Mr. Limbaugh from headlining it on his show and then making it the top item on his website:

RUSH: How about what the Democratic National Committee tried to do to "School Bus" Ray Nagin? Have you heard about this? The DNC was working against him. The DNC was actively trying to defeat Ray Nagin in the mayoral race in New Orleans. "DNC secretly placed political operatives in the city of New Orleans to work against the reelection efforts of school bus Ray Nagin. DNC chairman Howard Dean made the decision--" this is a Drudge Report exclusive.

Howard Dean made the decision himself, and you haven't heard about this. The Drive-By Media is not interested in this.

"DNC Chairman Howard Dean made the decision himself to back mayoral candidate and sitting Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu (D-LA), sources reveal. Dean came to the decision to back the white challenger, over the African-American incumbent Nagin, despite concerns amongst senior black officials in the Party that the DNC should stay neutral. The DNC teams actively worked to defeat Nagin under the auspice of the committee's voting rights program. The party's field efforts also coincided with a national effort by Democrat contributors to support Landrieu. Landrieu had outraised Nagin by a wide margin - $3.3 million to $541,980. Preliminary campaign finance reports indicate many of Landrieu’s contributions came from out of state white Democrat leaders and financiers, including a $1,000 contribution from Sen. Ben Nelson's (D-NE) PAC. The defeat of Mitch Landrieu is the latest setback for Dean's office, often criticized field operation."

You haven't seen anything on this in the mainstream press, have you? I know you've seen the fact that the "School Bus" Nagin won, but have you seen the story that the DNC was trying to defeat Nagin? You haven't seen it, and you're probably not going to see it. Can you imagine if this were two Republicans, and the RNC was working to
defeat the black candidate? Now, that doesn't happen, because in the Republican Party these days, the future of the party happens to be Lynn Swann, Michael
Steele, and Ken Blackwell. Condoleezza Rice. I mean, there are a number of rising stars. It's in the Democratic Party where they sandbag Carl McCall in New York. They tried to sandbag "School Bus" Nagin and there are a couple of other examples of this, just amazing. And I wanted to mention this at the top of the program because I doubt that you have seen it anywhere.

Well, now you have. And it's complete hokum. What an idiot. I'm certain he'll correct this for his millions of listeners tomorrow.

Permalink posted by Jonathan : 6:07 PM

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