Monday, August 28, 2006

Boy we hate the media! Hold on, that's Howie Kurtz's producer on the line

Don't ask why I decided to listen to this podcast media-bash that included luminaries such as Glenn Reynolds, Charles Johnson and Dean Barnett. All I can tell you is that Charles Johnson, host of a racist anti-Muslim website, is an abject liar or has a very bad memory. Here's Charles, talking about how the media are scared, really, really scared of the bloggers:

I think they're very uncomfortable actually. In fact I can almost personally vouch for that after speaking to a lot of journalists for the past week. A subject that kept coming up was, "So do you really dislike the mainstream media?" It was almost poingant. "Do you really hate us?" was kind of the question. "Why do they hate us?" There's definitely a lot of unsease. I actually had to soothe a lot of ruffled feathers.

Yeah. Where would the mainstream media get that idea?

Oh, yeah, perhaps it's statements like:


But just maybe.

Permalink posted by Jonathan : 8:36 PM

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