Monday, March 30, 2009

Think before you write!

Shorter Lengthier Perfesserman:

Because the widow of some dead TV producer -- who wouldncha knowit donated thousands to the political campaigns of Democrats like George H.W. Bush, Alfonse D'Amato, Alan Simpson and Arlen Specter -- is trying to sell the family home for $150 million, people should be outraged! Because! Wait, wait, lemme explain. See, this is a double standard for liberal Hollyweird, which everyone knows has taken huge amounts of taxpayer money in the infamous Brangelina Bailout of 200...Uhhhhh.. Oh, wait. Wait. I'm an idiot.

...LATER ON: Yahoo tells me

10 Winners in the Recession: No. 2 Hollywood

he number of subscribers to Netflix, the DVD delivery service, climbed 26 percent in the fourth quarter from the same time last year. That helped put the company's revenue up 19 percent from the previous year. And according to industry researcher Media by Numbers, 2009's box office sales are tracking 16.5 percent higher than the year before—at this rate, theaters will make $1.9 billion, versus last year's $1.6 billion—with attendance up nearly 15 percent.

Anger. Rising!

Permalink posted by Jonathan : 10:15 AM

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