Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Corruption everywhere!

Did Obama buy John Boehner's and Mike Pence's "no" votes on health care reform?

The right-wing blogosphere has seized on Stupak’s Friday announcement that three airports in his district received a total of $726,409 grants as the possible reason behind his last-minute "yes" vote.

“Did Stupak compromise his supposed principled stand against taxpayer funding of abortion in exchange for taxpayer dollars for pet projects?” asks one posting on Deal Watch, the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee’s latest blog.


The Airport Improvement Program, which has existed since the early 1980s, awarded grants in 47 states this year. At least six of the districts receiving the funds are represented by Republicans, including Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Conference Chairman Mike Pence, whose districts received $108,738 and $75,000 respectively.

So if I understand this correctly, Bart Stupak was bought off with a grant program that's existed since the early 80's, the same grant program that this year awarded tens of thousands of dollars to airports in at least six Republican districts. I guess those GOPers are made of sterner stuff than Mr. Stupak!

Elsewhere... Dear Tea People: This video may be in need of a re-shoot.

LATER: How did we miss this??? Apparently, Bush was trying to buy Stupak's health care vote back in 2007 in an elaborate scheme whereby the Michigan Congressman would receive over $1.4 million for airport improvements in exchange for the promise to make wingnuts look like idiots. Oh, and it gets worse! He received nearly $3 million in 2006.

Grants awarded, 2007:

Alpena -- $707,750
Acquire Snow Removal Equipment, Improve Airport Drainage, Security Enhancements

Delta -- $304,000

Construct Snow Removal Equipment Building, Install Taxiway Lighting

Chippewa International -- $316,350

Acquire Snow Removal Equipment, Rehabilitate Runway Lighting, Rehabilitate Taxiway

Grants awarded, 2006

Alpena $162,000

Improve Airport Miscellaneous Improvements, Install Airfield Guidance Signs

Delta -- 1,666,361

Conduct Environmental Study, Environmental Mitigation, Rehabilitate Runway, Update Airport Master Plan Study

Chippewa International -- 749,420

Install Miscellaneous NAVAIDS, Install Taxiway Lighting, RehaBuilding

Chippewa International -- 305,900

Acquire Snow Removal Equipment

Psst- wingnuts...I know this story is one of those "too good to check" things, but try looking up "grant histories" -- it's almost like real reporting!

Permalink posted by Jonathan : 8:30 AM

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